Native Plants for the Intermountain West: Plant List

Physaria eburniflora in the Landscape

Karen Panter, University of Wyoming

Scientfic Name:  Physaria eburniflora
Common Name:  Devil's Gate Twinpod

Description:  The species is a member of the Brassicaceae family and is a perennial forb. Silvery-gray foliage. Cream flower heads bloom in early spring.

Native Habitat:  Found only in a small area of central Wyoming, Carbon County, at about 7,500 feet elevation.

Cultural Requirement

Soil:  Tolerates poor soils, heavy clay in texture.

Moisture Tolerance:  Drought tolerant, low moisture levels common in native habitat.

Sun/Shade/Preference:  Full sun.

Transplanting:  Plants must have well-developed root systems prior to transplanting.

Propagation:  Seeds must be fresh. Do not cover seeds as they require light for germination. Seeds require 6 weeks stratification at 40oF. After removal from stratification, place on mist bench or under high humidity. First emergence will occur in about 7 days. Transplant into cell packs or small pots after 5 to 6 weeks.

Maintenance (pruning, fertilization, deadheading, division, irrigation, etc):  Requires little irrigation so is suitable for xeriscape or low-water landscapes.

Insect, disease, or other problems:  Relatively problem-free.

Landscape Value

Use in the Landscape:  Rock gardens and low borders.

Foliage:  Beautiful soft, silvery foliage will add winter interest.

Timing:  May and June

Color:  Creamy white or pale yellow, ½ inch.

Fruit:  Less than ½ inch, two-lobed.

Form:  Prostrate, flattened rosette.

Texture:  Soft, pubescent, silvery foliage.

Ultimate Size:  Less than 6 inches tall. Stems prostrate, 3 inches long, flower stalks also prostrate, ½ to 2 inches.

Rate of Growth:  Moderate.

Suggested Plant Partners:  Rock garden and alpine plants.

Availability:  Seeds available through several native plant catalogs, plants very limited.

Cultivars:  Not Available.


USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Plants Database. Accessed 19 August 2012.

Alplains Seed Company. 2012 Catalog. Alplains, Kiowa, Colorado.

Fertig, W. 1993. Field survey for Cryptantha subcapitata, Physaria eburniflora, and Sphaeromeria simplex on BLM lands in central Wyoming. Bureau of Land Management, Casper District.