Cercocarpus ledifolius var. intricatus in the Landscape
Larry A. Rupp, Utah State University
Scientfic Name: Cercocarpus ledifolius var. intricatusCommon Name: Littleleaf Mountain Mahogany
Description: Small, evergreen shrub with fleshy leaves that curl under on the margins. The flowers are not particularly showy, but the fruit is an achene with a cork-screw shaped plumose style that is quite unique and attractive. It has a very dense and intricate branching pattern, with the stems being a significant part of its appearance and adding a rather coarse textured feel.
Native Habitat: Dry, rocky sites with limited water and extreme summer temperatures. Primarily found in Utah, Arizona, and Nevada.
Cultural Requirement
Soil: Should be well drained and coarse. Plants do well in a neutral to alkaline pH and limited organic matter
Moisture Tolerance: High drought tolerance.
Sun/Shade/Preference: Full sun.
Transplanting: Easy to transplant.
Propagation: Can be propagated by seed, rooted cuttings, or by layering.
Maintenance (pruning, fertilization, deadheading, division, irrigation, etc): This plant is actinorhizal so it is able to fix nitrogen and thus does not need supplemental fertilizer. While it is tolerant of pruning, it should need only minimal amounts. Irrigation should be used cautiously to avoid problems from excess water.
Insect, disease, or other problems: Minimal disease or insect problems.
Landscape Value
Use in the Landscape: Can be used as a specimen or as an informal hedge.
Foliage: Various shades of gray/green. Evergreen.
Timing: April May
Color: Pink color, inconspicuous.
Fruit: An achene with a cork-screw shaped plumose style.
Form: Various forms from oval to columnar to procumbent.
Texture: Coarse.
Ultimate Size: Less than 8 feet tall.
Rate of Growth: Slow.
Availability: Reclamation stock propagated from seed.
Cultivars: None
Shaw, N.L., S.B. Monsen, and R. Stevens. 2004. Rosaceous Shrubs. In: Monsen, S.B., R. Stevens, and N.L. Shaw., comps. 2004. Restoring western ranges and wildlands. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-136-vol-2. Fort Collins, CO; USDA For. Serv. Rocky Mtn Res. Station pp. 545-552.